Get your vocal chords in shape!  The Windsor County Ag Fair is all about singing this year.  The highlight for American Idol wannabes will be the Country Karaoke Contest scheduled for Saturday, July 9 from 4 to 7 p.m. on main stage.  So start getting ready; pick a crowd pleasing song or two, know the words, get out a memorable outfit and you’ll be good to go.

Co- MCs Dan Cole of 5 Season Entertainment and Reuben Ouellette will be organizing the singers by age.  There will be three groups: kids (0-16), teens (16-21), and adults (21+).   Guys and gals will compete against each other.  The music is all country (no rock etc) and provided for you.    First, Second and Third place winners will be picked in each of the three categories.  Please arrive early in order to register between 3 and 4 p.m.

Need a little practice before the competition? The karaoke fun will continue all weekend in the Fair’s “Entertainment Tent”.  Dan Cole will have his Karaoke equipment set up both Saturday and Sunday July 9 and 10 with free karaoke for all from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.  So you’ll have plenty of time to test your favorite songs on the passing crowd and polish your act.